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Prepare for Leadership—The Nile Ramsbottom story—is rich with example in three dimensions of success: what it takes to get there, how to handle it upon arrival and what can be done with it to change the world. This is a book about pioneering a path into the future, beginning with back home, applying tried-and-true, adding ingenuity, and having the faith to forge ahead. Be blessed. Be prepared for leadership. Read the book! More on Prepare for Leadership ➝

When Tom Hill stepped away from comfort and security without the benefit of a road map or safety net, it was also without any vision for the “Exceptional Life” to come. He simply hoped to discover how tall he could grow. Based on experience, he will encourage you to do the same, with one exception: the roadmap. Here it is!

Take a journey across Europe with executive coach, Dr. Tom Hill. Along the way, go on a tour of London, stay a night in an twelfth century castle, stand in the rain on one of Ireland’s most famous golf courses, learn a bit of history—like how Venice came to be Venice, enjoy the entertaining story of Dr. Hill’s exceptional life, and listen in on his Exceptional Life presentation to select groups of European executives and business owners. Part travelogue, part biography, and part Principles of Success 101 from a man who coaches the successful, Blessed Beyond Measure is where your Exceptional Life adventure soars to new heights. More on Blessed Beyond Measure ➝

Awarded the Trafford Gold Seal of Literary Excellence

“. . . a masterful literary voice . . . Though just over 200 pages, this is a novel of depth and truly epic proportions. There is a beautiful fluidity to the language of Irwin’s narrative.”
—The US Review of Books.

Where the land is good it will be found and populated by immigrants. They will ride over its majestic hills and through its shadowy valleys in fine stallions. They will plant vineyards in its choice soils and grow their wine. Where immigrants gather dreams touch. Where horses graze there is enchantment. Where vineyards grow there is romance. Where these ripen there is love. Ah, but the ripening . . . sun and rain and time and, above all, Wind.

(Some might regard it a huge reach to include Wind—a novel—among the contents of a website dedicated to biographies. Well, read it. And if it doesn’t remind you of anyone, suffice to say we differ there. I thought of it as biographical at its conception and while writing it. I do so more now. That is all I have to offer on the matter.) More on Wind ➝

"If you want to take the powerful little flame of word and create a crackling fire around which others will eagerly gather, you tell a story. And if you want it passed like a torch you tell a true story - the story of a real person with an actual journey in the same world we all call home."
- Russell Stuart Irwin